
8 Fall Cleaning Tips to Prepare for the Cold Weather

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8 Fall Cleaning Tips to Prepare for the Cold Weather

Fall is definitely the homey season of the year. As the temperature drops and the days become much shorter, you will be spending a lot more time inside than in spring or summer. Not only that, but most of the events and holidays that you’ll celebrate and host are going to be spent indoors from beginning to end. That is why it’s important to be even more meticulous in your housekeeping, but where do you begin? 

This is a collection of our best fall deep cleaning tips, and you no doubt will be getting a lot of use out of it. After all, if you want to enjoy the fireplaces, naps under warm blankets, hot drinks in the living room, and more, you have to work for them. So, when is it good to start fall cleaning? Right now! 

1. Heavy-Duty Laundry Time

Since you obviously want to be cozy as soon as the temperature drops, you should take out your comforters, mattress covers, puffy pillows, blankets, and others from storage and wash them so they’re clean, fresh, and ready to use when you need them.

2. Clean Out Your Closet

The sunny warmth of summer is about to go dormant at least until next year, so it makes no sense to keep your summer outfits at hand while your winter clothes are gathering dust. So, it’s time to do a little closet cleaning! Before storing all your summer clothes, divide it into three separate piles: One you’re going to keep, the second one is a donation pile, and the third and final one is for clothes so tattered and old that they’re going to the trash.

3. Clean Your Roof Gutters

An essential part of any fall cleaning checklist worth its salt is cleaning the roof gutters. With the arrival of the rainy season and all the dead leaves falling from the trees, you have the perfect recipe for disaster, since a blocked or clogged gutter will cause the water to pool in your roof, allowing for all sorts of problems to appear, such as leaks, rot, falling shingles, and more. Even if your gutters have leaf-catching technology, you still need to go up there and make sure it’s working!

4. Clean Your Fridge

Recipes change along with the season, and for fall that usually means heartier meals, larger portions, and therefore more leftovers to store and freeze for the next following months. It also means that it’s time to make room for them inside your refrigerator. First, take out all the expired food and frozen leftovers that you’re just not going to eat anymore. Second and last, once the inside is clean, give the inside a good scrub and disinfect it if you must.

5. Declutter & Clean the Garage

There’s something about the cold season that makes us hold on to much more stuff than ever, particularly stuff of the “don’t-really-need-it” variety. No one likes cleaning the garage, but if yours is already filled to the brim with boxes and clutter, then you will definitely need all the extra free space you can get for the holiday season. Just don’t get rid of actually useful stuff like tools and decorations!

6. Clean & Store Outdoor Furniture

Fall and winter aren’t really seasons to spend a lot of time in the yard, so most (if not all) of your outdoor furniture should be thoroughly cleaned and stored away to prevent the elements from damaging it beyond repair. Remember that it’s the season of very cold temperatures, harsh winds, and even heavy snow. If you don’t have the space to accommodate them inside, consider buying covers for them.

7. Clean the Chimney

If you have a chimney and are planning to use it during the cold season, then you should definitely have it cleaned, especially if you are going to receive guests who will be spending some time next to it. This is, however, a chore that we recommend not undertaking yourself because of all the risks involved. Instead, call a professional to have it serviced so that it is not only cleaned, but safe to use as well.

8. Time to Clean the Carpets

Again, this is the season to spend a lot of time inside, so getting the carpets cleaned is a must. This will make sure that they look fantastic and smell great too if you’re getting holiday visits, or just for your family to enjoy in general. Get them shampooed so you get rid of all the dust, dirt, and bacteria that may have accumulated from summer.
