
Bathroom Cleaning And Disinfecting 101

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Bathroom Cleaning And Disinfecting 101

Now that we spend more time indoors, probably at home with all the family, your bathroom(s) might need a little extra care. Wet towels on the bathroom door, toothpaste glued in the sink: the usual. But, during this current lockdown, a cleaned and disinfected bathroom is crucial to prevent COVID-19 and gain some precious peace of mind at home.

Tailor Maid Cleaning will show you how to clean your bathroom the best way. We usually use mild or natural disinfectants, but you can opt to use stronger ones if you want to.


  • Clean: To begin, clean your toilet from the outside in. Add your favorite toilet bowl cleaner just below the rim. Let it sit while you work on the rest of the toilet. With a multi-purpose cleaner, spray the whole outside. Scrub everything from the top down, including the hinges at the base. Finally, clean the inside of the rim and work downward, wiping the remainder of the bowl. Flush. 
  • Maintain: To keep your toilet fresh during deep cleaning, try DIY Fizzy Toilet Bombs. Not only will they help loosen the soil, but it will help keep your toilet smelling fresh! 


  • Clean: To clean your shower, remove everything from the shower, including the curtain and liner. Secondly, add one-part vinegar to one-part water to a baggie then place it over the showerhead and secure it tightly. Thirdly, spray your favorite cleaner all over the shower and tub then let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Fourthly, use your preferred sponge or a Magic Eraser to clean away the grime. Finally, remove the baggie from the showerhead and rinse the whole shower and tub clean. 
  • Maintain: To prevent the buildup of soap scum and mildew, use a thin layer of car wax on the walls. DO NOT apply wax to the tub to prevent slipping. For the shower door, apply Rain-X according to the directions on the bottle.  

Sink & Counter 

  • Clean: Clear all objects around and off the counter and sink. To clean, sprinkle baking soda on the faucet, handles, basin, and counters. Next, spray the sink and counters with vinegar and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. After waiting, take an old toothbrush and scrub hard-to-reach spaces and built-up areas well. Wipe away dirt and grime with paper towels or microfiber cloths. 
  • Maintain: To keep the sink and counter’s clean and organized, practice wiping the sink after each use. Organizers, such as the Toothbrush Sanitizer & Toothpaste Holder, help to maintain and organize hygiene. Over-the-door shoe organizers also double as placeholders for hairdryers, brushes, hair products, etc. To keep the faucet shiny and spotless, apply a thin coat of metal polish with a microfiber cloth. 

Floor & Rugs 

  • Clean: Start by removing everything from the floor. For a thorough clean, sweep your floor with a rubber broom to catch dirt, dust, hair, and other well-hidden objects. Next, mop the floor with a flat mop for better accessibility. Then start mopping from the furthest corner of the floor to the door. Let dry. Wash rugs regularly. 
  • Maintain: To keep the floor clean, keep a Swiffer Sweep and Vac in the bathroom for quick pickups. Also, hang bath rugs up after each use and wash frequently. To discourage mold and mustiness, try using a heated drying rack


  • Clean: Start cleaning your mirror by taking some cotton balls or microfiber cloth and rubbing alcohol and spot clean stuck-on grime and stubborn dirt. Next, use a vinegar spray to clean the mirror and wipe dry with microfiber cloths. 
  • Maintain: To prevent fogging and smudging, apply Rain-X to the mirror and reapply when water droplets stop beading. After taking a shower or bath, pat the mirror dry with paper towels. 

Walls & Ceiling 

  • Clean: If you have anything hanging on your walls, take them down. Use a microfiber broom to wipe away the dust and cobwebs. With a Magic Eraser sponge, remove any stubborn marks and stains. Next, mop the walls with a wet Swiffer or microfiber mop. Let dry before replacing any hangings. 
  • Maintain: To keep the walls and ceiling clean, always use the bathroom fan for proper ventilation. Routinely check for water stains and signs of mold. Consider placing a moisture absorbing product in your bathroom to eliminate extra moisture buildup. 

There you go! These essential guidelines will help you maintain your bathroom at top shape during the lockdown. But, if you need some extra help or want a professional disinfecting job, don’t hesitate to book your cleaning service with us.
