
How to Keep yourself Protected and Apt in the Chilly Winters

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How to Keep yourself Protected and Apt in the Chilly Winters

Who doesn’t like winters? The smell of cold winds and the warmth of the early mornings in your blanket which make you feel enthralled and lazy. Winters not only bring a cold and chilly feeling, but they also bring a cough and cold, and with the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic it gets scary.

As you know that coronavirus attacks you at the most vulnerable stage, and cold is one of those. Thus, if you want to enjoy the season, you have to take protective measures. Of course, face mask and sanitizer should be your best friends and do not forget to practice social distancing.


Being fragile will allow the virus jeopardize your way of living, so indulging in a healthy and nutrition-rich diet can help make your immunity strong. Organic and natural foods are your green signal whereas processed and carbonated are the red flags. Make the winters all about a nutrient-dense diet and beat the virus by keeping yourself healthy and fit.

Sleep Cycle

Sleeping helps to increase your immunity – this is the reason you are advised to take 8 hours of sleep daily. Winters can be fuzzy, making you feel lazy, so sleep won’t be much of an issue for many of us. But, still, most of us have really messed our sleeping schedule, so anymore hindrance to it is the direct invitation to a weak immunity system, which is a big NO in the pandemic.

Avoid Stress

It has its own chaotic cycle, and amalgamating it with COVID-19 is more treacherous. Moreover, irregular sleep patterns drastically stress you out, leading to other problems like hypertension, chronic headaches, or heart diseases. Remember, stressing will not help, and the vaccine is on its way. Get out of the deep blues and sit near the bonfire with music and lights to amplify your mood and burst your stress levels out.

Flu Shots

Health professionals all over the world are urging to get the flu shots, in the hope to prevent from the third phase. Take oral medicines or get flu shots, all in all, stay protected from any minute risk this winter.

Limit Social Gatherings

It seems a lot to say, but try to minimize your social bubble. COVID spreads fast during the winter season. Hence, the more you gather the more you are vulnerable to getting a positive. Even researchers say it’s time to maintain utmost distance (hoping for a better tomorrow). Winter season is also known as flu season, in order to stay safe during this season, you will have to shrink your circle.

Final Thoughts

Respiratory illness impels during winters, which becomes a safe house for coronavirus. Ultimately, it breaks you down from testing positive for COVID-19, but having assets like masks, gloves, good hygiene, and social distancing norms will make you less susceptible to the virus.

Remember, if you are a poor ventilation space, never forget to step out without wearing a mask. Your safety lies in these things, so steer away from this fatal virus and enjoy your winters with a smile behind your mask.
