There comes a time when you realize that a junk drawer, closet, room, shed, and junk storage unit just might mean you need to spring-clean your home. Clutter is a reflection of the chaos you feel and experience in life. “Being organized means spending less time looking for or replacing lost items and increasing your productivity,” says Natalie Schrier, CEO of Cut the Clutter. With these four easy steps, let Tailor Maid Services share with you these spring cleaning tips!
Step 1: Have a Plan
As with a large project, it’s important to have a plan in place. A plan helps you keep track of your progress, while simultaneously becoming more efficient. With a plan, make sure to include obtainable goals you wish to accomplish.
Step 2: Set Goals
Regardless of your plan, you must set goals for yourself. Without having a plan and a goal to achieve, you will either start decluttering and then put it off or you will just shift your mess around the house without achieving any progress.
Step 3: Break Big Tasks Down
When faced with an overwhelming project, it’s important not to tackle the beast all at once. The best way to handle big projects is to break them down into smaller sections. When decluttering your home, use these categories: kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom, laundry room, and home office. Consider including friends and family as part of your crew to avoid unnecessary stress.
Step 4: Organize
Now that you’re ready, grab trash bags, boxes, bags, and/or totes for donations, friends & family, and things being kept. Consider the following list as a guide for what to declutter:
Throw Out/Recycle/Replace
- Expired medicine and vitamins
- Matchless socks
- Broken art supplies
- Storage containers without lids
- Old papers
- Greeting cards
- Broken appliances
- Expired food
- Old beauty and hygiene products
- Stained and/or holey clothes
- Stained linens
- Financial documents
- Insurance papers
- Warranties
- Loans/Promissory Notes
- Tax Records
- Family Records
- Medical Records
- Birth Certificates/Social Security Cards
- Marriage/Divorce Licenses
- Military records
- Deeds
- Titles
- Custody/Adoption Papers
- Automobile
- Diplomas
- Other
- Stuff you truly love!
Give Away
- Stuff you don’t love!
- CDs
- DVDs
- Clothes that don’t fit, are worn, or you don’t like
- Old books
- Books you don’t read
- Old shoes
- Extra hangers
- Un-played with toys
Throw Out/Recycle/Replace
Apps for Organizing:
Any extra help is welcomed, right? Well, here are just some of the apps that can guide you towards a better and more organized life. Or maybe just a good spring cleaning:
Letgo – an app to buy and sell locally online. (iOS) (Android)
Tody – a smart, master to-do list for managing your household. (iOS) (Android)
Amazon Music – music streaming service from the Amazon Digital Store. (iOS) (Android)
Apple Music – music streaming service from Apple with over 60 million songs. (iOS) (Android)
Kindle App – millions of eBooks, magazines, audiobooks, and comics at the touch of your finger! (iOS) (Android) Even though your task may seem daunting, decluttering is a massive stress release and an awakening of the mind and body. With this advice and resources, you’re one step closer to living a clutter-free life. To stay organized, remain mindful of what you purchase, where you throw things, of the time you spend and who you choose to spend it with, and most importantly be mindful of your limits, both mentally and physically. To help you understand how to spring clean and organize try reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up: A Magical Story by Marie Kondo, and Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff by Dana K. White.