
What You Should Always Keep Sanitized And Clean During Flu Outbreaks

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What You Should Always Keep Sanitized And Clean During Flu Outbreaks

The last thing anyone wants is to be sick. When the flu comes around it seems almost inevitable to avoid the upper respiratory virus. However, there are ways to prevent the virus and steps you can take to minimize the spread of the sickness during an outbreak. Tailor Maid Cleaning will show you the difference between cleaning and disinfecting.  


Knowledge is power. Before you buy the whole pharmacy know what the flu is and how to prevent it first. The flu is a contagious upper respiratory infection. The elderly, young children and those with medical conditions are at a higher risk for serious complications. Look out for fever or feverish chills, a cough, sore throat, a runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. To prevent the flu: 

  1. Avoid close contact with people whether you’re the one who’s sick or not. 
  2. Cover your mouth and nose with your arm or a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then wash your hands and throw the tissue away. 
  3. Frequently wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer. 
  4. Clean and disinfect all surfaces. 
  5. Get the flu shot vaccination yearly. 
  6. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. 
  7. Quarantine the sick. 
  8. The “CDC recommends that you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care…” 

At Home 

Disinfecting should be part of your usual cleaning routine, whether or not anyone at home is sick,” says Lisa Fields of WebMD. The lead method of spreading the flu virus is through droplets of moisture from coughing, sneezing, or talking. The flu can also be spread by touching any surface with the flu virus on it. To avoid further contamination at home disinfect the house after flu by making sure the following items are routinely disinfected, but especially if someone in the home is sick with the flu. 

  1. Phone 
  2. Remote 
  3. Bathroom 
  4. Tables 
  5. Computer/Tablet/Handheld Game Devices 
  6. Toys 
  7. Knobs and Handles 
  8. Light Switches 
  9. Sheets, Blankets, and Towels 
  10. Hand Railings 

At the Office

It’s a difficult decision to make when: you’re sick but need to go to work and it may not be feasible to call in. However, people with the flu virus are more contagious in the first 3-4 days of being sick. Also, keep in mind that the flu virus can live in a person without them having symptoms and still be contagious. So, when you are at work take these precautions: 

  1. Keep hand sanitizer on your desk. 
  2. Wipe down the arms of chairs, the edges and top of your desk, and computer keyboard and mouse with disinfecting wipes. 
  3. Avoid the breakroom/company kitchen. 
  4. Avoid sharing food and drinks. 
  5. Clean the phone and headset with disinfecting wipes. 
  6. Most importantly, stay home if you are sick! 

“Better safe than sorry,” according to Samuel Lover, the Irish Novelist. In our overpopulated society, it’s important to be aware of the space around you—of the air you breathe and share. It’s especially beneficial to you and others to sanitize frequently during flu outbreaks. Moreover, with this list, you’ll be ahead of the game!
