
Time-Saving Kitchen Cleaning Hacks for Homeowners

Time Saving Kitchen Cleaning Hacks For Homeowners Scaled 1

Time-Saving Kitchen Cleaning Hacks for Homeowners

The kitchen is the beating heart of the house. It appears to be a make-or-break factor in how tidy our houses appear. It also appears that this is the room in which we spend the most time cleaning. That’s why we’ve come up with kitchen cleaning hacks and tips that all deep cleaning services professionals swear by.

Use Lemon for Microwave Cleaning

Rather than washing each splash by hand, simply microwave two freshly squeezed lemon halves and let the steam do the dirty job. All you have to do now is wipe down the interior of the microwave. In no time, it’ll be pristine!

Clean the Cutting Board

Cutting boards may readily trap germs and bacteria, thus they must be cleaned and disinfected thoroughly. Splash baking soda on the cutting board’s surface, then gently rub it in with a lemon or a soft sponge bathed in white vinegar. After rinsing the board with hot water, dry it with a soft cloth.

Read Also: Top 5 Kitchen Cleaning Tips While Cooking

Clean the Refrigerator

Remember the last time you cleaned off the shelves of your refrigerator? Simply putting them in the dishwasher can save you a lot of time. Sure, the cycle takes a long time, but at least you can do anything else while the machine handles the difficult tasks.

Clean the Drain

Mix half a cup of baking soda with half a cup of white vinegar and pour it down the drain to fix a slow-running or stinky drain. Allow this to froth for a few minutes before flushing it down the drain with hot boiling water.

Don’t Miss the Sink

The sink, last but not least! It’s the area of the kitchen that requires the most maintenance due to soap scum, food stains, corrosion, and water spots. Pour a spray of dishwashing liquid into a basin of warm water to clean. Scrub gently with a sponge dipped in the mixture.

Time-saving kitchen hacks are the priority of house cleaning services.
